The geometry of memory is an open project which started in 1995 and is continuing since then in various formats. The primary concern of the project has been the physical dimension of TIME as in experienced by our brain through the faculty of MEMORY.

Cube / Multiple. Limited edition. Printed and bounded in Germany. Published by AK PROJECTS, LLC
Andromahi Kefalos, N. Y. . . . I never visit the past with either regret or nostalgia, though routinely I chart down events, keeping track of the course of my life. Most often, things do not make great sense when they occur yet in due time, they prove to be perfectly logical in the order of their appearance, they eventually form a manifold pattern; events, both present and past, take their place in a highly organized system.
Reality is manifested in virtual Space but actual Time …
The work is in the New York Public Library and The Museum of Modern Art New York Collections.

The book is composed of eight sections specially bound, folded and wrapped and is published in a limited edition of 1001 copies.
Available through Printed Matter, New York and through AK Projects, LLC.
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